Robert Kapla
Partner, Washington DC- Squire Patton Boggs
About Speaker
A former White House official, Robert Kapla chairs our Public Policy International Practice. In addition to advising sovereign governments on US policy, Robert regularly counsels multinational corporations on government relations around the globe. In particular, he assists foreign governments and businesses on a range of matters including international trade and trade policy, international development, foreign aid, foreign investment, energy development, elections, territorial disputes and international treaty negotiations. Robert has experience in many regions of the world, including Latin America, Africa, Europe and Eurasia, South and Central Asia, and East Asia and the Pacific. His past government experience enables Robert to interpret and navigate the complex legislative and regulatory issues often associated with doing business in the US and abroad. For example, Robert counsels foreign and domestic companies on international trade matters before the US Congress, the Office of the US Trade Representative and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State and the Treasury. He also provides strategic guidance to multinational companies on matters concerning international law, international trade negotiations, entry into foreign markets and tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. Robert's grasp of the legislative process has allowed him to develop, implement and manage targeted legislative strategies that enhance the economic success of his clients. He also provides strategic counsel to assist clients in understanding and traversing the often confusing US federal agency decision-making process.